My Methodist History article:
As of yesterday, one of my favorite blog sites, My Methodist History, has approved me to write articles on its informative website. For some time, I have noticed numerous interesting articles about early Methodism in the United Kingdom. If early Methodist history is something you are interested in, then I highly recommend this interesting website
The first article which posted today is titled, Francis Asbury Circuits in England. The article details the early preaching circuits of Francis Asbury while he was a young itinerant in England before he departs for the American Colonies in September of 1771. The article begins with his call to lead a band made up of Francis Asbury and his childhood friends. Shortly thereafter, Scottish itinerant for John Wesley invites a young Francis Asbury to lead the class meetings of the West Bromwich Wesleyan Society. The article weaves the challenging yet revealing efforts of the young itinerant as he spends six years as one of John Wesley’s preachers on horseback. The article completes with Francis Asbury volunteering for the large circuit simply titled, America.
The link to the Francis Asbury Circuits in England article on the My Methodist History blog website is here.
My Methodist History

My Methodist History
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According to the My Methodist History blog website, the website “was launched in December 2012 as part of a community archive network supported by the Methodist Church. The site is developed and edited by volunteers. The aim of the project is to share information and research about every aspect of Methodist history: its early development, nineteenth-century splits and sub-denominations, overseas mission and life post re-union in 1932. Primitive and Wesleyan Methodism are covered by our sister websites, My Primitive Methodist Ancestors and My Wesleyan Methodist Ancestors.
Please add these informative websites to your website links. Return often as there are daily posted fascinating articles on these subjects.