Francis Asbury West Bromwich Childhood Friends

West Bromwich The region in which Francis Asbury grew up is known as the Chicago of the West-Midlands of England. This rugged region which incorporates the town of West Bromwich was at one time the ironworking capital of England. This … Continue reading

My Methodist History Francis Asbury Circuits in England

My Methodist History article: As of yesterday, one of my favorite blog sites, My Methodist History, has approved me to write articles on its informative website. For some time, I have noticed numerous interesting articles about early Methodism in the … Continue reading

What is a Triptych?

What is a Triptych? What is the Francis Asbury Triptych? Maybe the better question is, what is a triptych? Soon after several years of my wife’s recommendation to convert into a novel my Writer’s Digest award-winning two-hour screenplay about Francis Asbury, … Continue reading